Ears are for more than listening
Ears balance sunnies on our heads and can be adorned with earrings.
Our ears also contain many reflexology and acupuncture points. One particular method of working with ears is called Auricular Seed Pressing Therapy which is a technique using a tiny plant seed placed at particular points on the ear held gently in place with surgical tape.
In my reflexology training we were taught the application of magnetic ear beads to stimulate acupressure and reflexology points however I more recently learnt about a different kind of pellet called an ear seed and an acupuncture point called Shen Men when I attended The Reflexology Association of Australia’s Conference in 2018 through keynote presenter Lisa Chan. Lisa is a very experienced and enthusiastic therapist from California, USA, who’s clientele spans from Hollywood stars to everyday people. Lisa spoke about mental health, specifically anxiety and depression. She encouraged therapists to consider a sensitive and supportive approach using various techniques including reflexology, acupressure points and the use of an ear seeds on acupuncture points.
At this conference I put my hand up to receive the placement of a tiny seed to a Master Point; Shen Men to alleviate stress and depression. I was keen to try the seed from the Vaccaria plant to compare it to the metal pellets and to also feel the effects of this point. Prior to the conference I was recovering from a viral illness, I was feeling rushed, absent minded, stressed, suffering neck strain (from an aggressive sneeze of all things). I was a wreck and I was unsure of attending the conference at all because I was feeling so foggy and down in the dumps. I was not in the right frame of mind to deal with a large crowd and was overwhelmed. The timing of the keynote speaker at the start of the conference couldn’t have worked out any better because I felt a difference within a couple of hours of the seed application, I felt in harmony, my mind slowed down and it made me feel very calm, focused and grounded, it got me through the 2 day conference and beyond. It also got me pondering on the power of these points and how body piercings could overstimulate acupuncture points.
The Shen Men point, also known as Divine Gate:
• Helps to calm the mind,
• Assists with balancing the nervous system,
• Helps to deal with the fight or flight response to stress,
• Replenishes energy that is consumed by stress,
• Brings the whole body towards balance to help calm stress and help relieve symptoms of anxiety,
• Relaxes the body
Once the ear seed is applied it starts to do its work, it is not painful, 3 times a day you activate it by pressing with your fingers, it can stay on for 3 to 5 days. It is not a one stop solution however it is such a nice take away between sessions of bodywork or talking therapies for ongoing support and can be just enough lift out of the fog to get through a difficult patch. I encourage you to come and try it out and I look forward to sharing the calming effects of ears seeds.
Book a Remedial Massage or Reflexology Consultation now with coupon code EAR-SEED to receive 20% off your consultation* including the application of an ear seed.
*valid for one consultation per client
*offer expires 31 January 2020