Discover your potential
Australian Bush Flower Essences are a vibrational holistic healing system that work with sub-conscious belief patterns and are a wonderful way to connect with nature in our urban lifestyle. Bush Essences are potent, yet gentle and unique to our remote and ancient Australian landscapes.
Bush essences are great for children, animals, adults and teenagers. Flower Remedies can support you as you move through emotional states, address behavioural issues, and adjustment through major life changes.
I have found injuries and illness to be gentle reminders (and sometimes quite intense loud signals) of emotional, spiritual, or mental disharmony that manifest in our physical body. We can view these hurdles positively as messengers highlighting areas of our sub-conscious mind needing balance. When you have a gut feeling that you are being guided in some way, Bush Essences are a wonderful way to help you shift an unknown pattern and trust your Higher Self. Theypromote self-awareness that helping to resolve negative beliefs and allow positive qualities to flow through to your conscious mind. They are incredibly uplifting and create clarity helping you to move to a new level of understanding.
There does not necessarily have to be a set-back for a Flower Remedy to be of use, they can support everyday activities for example if you have a big presentation to give, an upcoming exam, want to unleash creativity, have nightmares, children starting a new school, toddlers having big emotions, in support of menstruation cycles and menopause or as part of a childbirth plan.
Bush Essences are most effective when taken orally and can be used as spray mists, carried on your person or applied topically. Flower essences differ to herbs, vitamins, minerals, essential oils, cell salts and pharmaceuticals that work on the physical body.
Health it is not just the absence of disease or infirmity, it is about optimal physical, mental, spiritual, and social well-being.
Australian Bush Flowers Essences are a healing companion and are self-adjusting which means they only take the recipient as far as they are capable of going. I have been taking the Australian Bush Flower Essences for 15 years and I continue to be amazed at the personal transformations and blossoming I have experienced and witnessed. Since I have been prescribing Bush Essences I am so grateful to have the remedies as an integral part of a holistic healing approach for my family, friends and clients. I look forward to formulating a bespoke remedy for you too.
“If someone wishes for good health, one must first ask oneself if he is ready to do away with the reasons for his illness. Only then is it possible to help him.” - Hippocrates